On the 4th November 1922 men working for Howard Carter discovered hidden steps to what we now know to be one of the greatest Egyptian archaeological finds, the Tomb of Tutankhamen.
It might seem like a chance find for a lucky archaeologist but it was the result of a long term, strategic plan.
Planning is everything!
After waiting years for permission to dig in the Valley of the Kings Howard Carter received his permit. �He mapped the valley into a series of blocks using a grid system. �He worked his team through each block systematically, clearing the ground and ensuring that the tomb he sought wasn�t in a block before moving to the next.
This process continued for five years before Carter finally made his discovery.
Howard Carter�wasn’t�relying on luck.
He relied on�in-depth�research, solid planning and unshakable commitment.
Lessons from Tutankhamen
Are you looking to grow your business, to make it profitable and sustainable?
Do you want to launch new products and services, and ensure customers are happy with your service?
Here are some lessons we can take from Howard Carter:
Lesson #1: Create your plan
Before a single rock was moved Howard Carter drew a grid on his map of the valley and split it into blocks.
He�didn’t�just run into the valley with men and tools and start digging, he created a clear strategy.
If you want to build a profitable, sustainable small business you have to have a plan.
You need to understand what you want to achieve and how you�re going to achieve it.
It�s the same regardless of whether you�re just starting out in business or if�you’ve�been trading for years and want to grow.
There are two important steps to creating a plan for your business:
Start with the end in mind
Howard Carter believed that there was still one tomb to be found, he set this as his purpose and created his strategy around his ultimate goal.
What�s your goal? �Be clear and write down your goals in detail, understand what life would be like for you if you achieved these goals.
Make the goals tangible, if you�re goal is to grow your business so you have financial freedom what income would you need, what would you do with it, where would you go on holiday, what house would you live in, etc. Whatever your goal is ensure that you record it in as much detail as possible.
Make your goals specific, if you need to grow your business to the stage where you have a certain income how many clients will you need?
Carter knew exactly how many blocks he had split the valley into. �You need to know how many customers you need to buy which of your products, how much revenue that needs to generate for you to reach your goals.
Research, Research, Research
When it comes to knowing your business, your potential market and the steps you need to take to achieve your goals you can never research too much.
Collect as much information as possible. �Who will be your perfect customer, how can you attract them and create products and services that appeal to them so much they not only buy once but keep coming back for more.
Read my FREE eBook �Focused Marketing: How To Grow Your Business In Any Economy� for more details about this point.
But, remember that the plan is a means to an end. Planning can be exciting, thinking about how wonderful life will be when you reach your goal. �But, the plan is made to be followed.
In order to reach the goal you have to get started and make progress!
Spend enough time on your plan to ensure that it�s solid and that you know where you�re going and how you�re going to get there, but don�t spend a moment longer on it than you need to. Start making progress!
Lesson #2: Break your plan into sections
How do you eat an elephant? – One bite at a time!
Looking at your plan can be intimidating. �One of the biggest reasons that small business owners fail to make progress is that they get intimidated by the size of the task ahead. �Many will think about the plan and then find something else to do, leaving the plan for another day, as if it will some how look easier tomorrow.
That�s human nature.
To prevent this you have to break the plan into small steps. �If your plan is to have twelve new customers by the end of the year think in terms of needing to find one each month, that sounds much easier�doesn’t�it?
If part of your plan is to develop a training programme that will take one hundred hours of writing over several months, break it into small chunks. �Concentrate on writing it one chapter at a time and celebrate each one as you finish, it�s got you one step closer to your goals.
Lesson #3: Stick to your plan
It was five years before Howard Carter received the breakthrough that he wanted, his great discovery. �It�s most likely that your plan won�t be that long and that you�ll be looking for results in less time, perhaps even within five months, weeks or days but whatever happens stick to the plan.
You�ll have moments of doubt and wonder whether your work will pay off, when you�ll get your breakthrough, but just keep going. �Success comes to those who keep pushing forward and making progress.
In 1922 Carter was called to England to see his financial backer, Lord Carnarvon, who gave him one more season to make his discovery. �Many would have panicked and dropped the plan and starting digging anywhere throughout the valley trying to make the discovery but Howard Carter knew the power of strategy and kept to his plan and the rest, as they say, is history.
Don�t let others put you off your plan. �If�you’ve�done your research and know what you need to achieve, and what you need to do to achieve it, then just keep to your plan.
To help keep you motivated and to drive your progress follow this little exercise. �At the end of everyday take a few moments to write down what�you’ve�done in that day to make progress on your plan and what you plan to achieve the next day. This daily exercise will help you focus and ensure you keep making progress.
How is your plan looking?
Howard Carter made his discovery and ensured his name and place in history. �However, he didn�t do it all on his own. �Several people helped him before, during and after the discovery.
You don’t need to do it all on your own either.
I want to help you with your plan. �I’ll be posting lots of information to help you plan, stay on course and achieve your goals in growing your business. �To ensure you receive these posts as soon as they are published just add your email to the box below and click Sign Up.
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